
Jim McNeer

Chief Operating Officer

KT Builder

KT Builder is a Greenwood, Mississippi, based General Contractor. The company is family-owned and operated, and they are licensed in five states. They have been in business since 1982, which marks over 40 years of success in the construction industry.

Tell us a little about your role with your company.

As chief operating officer I oversee the day-to-day running of KT Builder. I work with the rest of the management team to make sure our team is running to the best of its ability. My duties vary day to day, but my main duty is to drive home the culture and values we operate upon and to coach our people. My goal is to continue to drive the mentality of safety, quality and professionalism to our team.

Why did your company join the advisory board?

As a Mississippi State alumnus and fan, I love everything about Mississippi State. When asked if I was interested in joining the advisory board, I jumped at the chance. This program is top in the nation and being able to be a part of such a special program is an honor and a privilege. I just hope to give back a little to the university that means so much to me.

What piece of advice do you have for students?

Be all in. Be dedicated to making yourself the absolute best you can be. This program is a very special part of helping you prepare for your career in construction. Take advantage of all the opportunities that are given to you, and become the best you can be.

Additional Comments:

As I am also a part of the board of directors of ABC, I have come across many companies that have hired students from the BCS department at Mississippi State. The common thing I always hear is how well prepared graduates are when joining the workforce. The BCS department at Mississippi State is a great, and I am extremely happy to just be a part of it.

Profile Image Alternative Text: headshot of Jim McNeer

Building Construction Science

logo: KT in orange, BUILDER thinner in gray. solid orange K and a tilted green T on gray to the left

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