George Ford
- Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership, Western Carolina University, 2008
- Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Educational Leadership, University of South Carolina, 1999
- Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Business Administration, Clemson University, 1990
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Educational Leadership, Clemson University, 1984
Conference Paper
- Conducting In-Person Project Critique Sessions to Enhance Communications Skills in Technology Educational Programs. Â American Society for Engineering Education, Southeastern Section Conference. 2023
- Is Summer Semester Effective Enough in Studio-based Construction Programs?. Â 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2019
- Thirty-Hour Safety Course for Construction Technology Academic Programs. Â 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Comparison of Industry and Students’ Perceptions in a Studio-based Construction Program.  55th Annual International Conference of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC). 2019
- Perceptions of Construction Students and Professionals of a Studio-based Teaching Model. Â 11th Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. 2019
Conference Proceeding
- . Â ASEE Conferences. Issue 10.18260/1-2--44027, Page 13. 2023
- Teamwork Perception in Engineering Programs through the Lens of Gender and Race. Â ASEE Conferences. Issue 10.18260/1-2--44439. 2023
- Immersive Video Capture Technology For Construction Management Education. Â CONVR2020, Teesside University. Pages 163--172. 2020
- Perceptions of construction students and professionals of a studio-based teaching model. Â Proceedings of the Conference on Higher Ed Pedogogy . 2019
- Air Entrapment Issues in Piping for a Small Hydroelectric Station in Western North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference . 2018
- The Evolution of College Credit Recommendations for the United States Army by the American Council on Education . Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2018
- A review of the benefits of a residential solar power installation in western North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2017
- An Experiment on the Effect of the Use of Augmented Reality on Students’ Quantity Take-off Performance.  Proceedings at the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. 2017
- Articulation of Military Earned College Credit into the University of North Carolina University System. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2017
- Students’ first employment expectations in technology programs.  Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2017
- Translating United States military occupational specialties training into college credit. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2016
- A Study on the Sustainable Building Technologies considering to Performance of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction. Â International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction. 2015
- Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Green Building Certification in South Korea. Â International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction. 2015
- Project based capstone course in an undergraduate construction management program. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2015
- An Integrative Literature Review of Sleep Disturbances on Construction Workers. Â Proceedings at the Conference for Industrial and Systems Engineering Research. 2014
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Operation and Maintenance of Residential Buildings. Â Proceedings at the International Conference on Sustainable Building. 2013
- Student retention in the University of North Carolina System. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2012
- University and community college collaboration in North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southwest Section Conference. 2012
- A discussion of tort liability in engineering technology laboratories. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2011
- Analysis of the air conditioning systems in a blown films manufacturing plant in the southeastern United States. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2011
- Developing an on-line environmental issues course for an American Council for Construction Education accredited program. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southwest Section Conference. 2011
- Integrating project based learning through machine design, fabrication and testing. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2011
- The evolution of engineering and engineering technology educational programs in the United States. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. 2011
- The evolution of the Global Positioning System. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2011
- A case study: An energy audit for a small municipality in North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2010
- A Holistic Approach to Hurricane Mitigation for Residential Structures. Â Proceedings at the Associated Schools of Construction Conference. 2010
- Developing a modern engineering technology curriculum: A case study at Western Carolina University. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Conference. 2010
- Engagement & project based learning. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Conference. 2010
- Environmental scanning for industrial advisory committee planning in a construction management educational program. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Midwest Section Conference. 2010
- Faculty student advising at Western Carolina University. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2010
- Improving Statics instruction in four-year technology programs. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2010
- Recruiting and retention strategies for construction employers in the United States. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2010
- An introduction to fuzzy logic applications for robot motion planning. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2009
- Basic aspects of hurricanes for technology faculty in the United States. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2009
- How to determine construction project rain delay times using local rainfall databases in Asheville, North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the Construction Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 2009
- The damaging impacts of hurricanes upon coastal structures. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2009
- A Brief Introduction to Environmental Scanning for Higher Educational Institutions in North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2008
- A fuels cost comparison of gasoline and electric powered vehicles. Â Proceedings at the American Society of Mechanical Engineering. 2008
- How to teach statics to four-year technology students. Â Proceedings at the International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education. 2008
- Service learning in technology programs at Western Carolina University. Â . 2008
- University Freshman Retention in North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2008
- An Innovative Student Engagement Project: Lessons Learned from a Log Cabin. Â Proceedings at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference. 2007
- Global Warming at Ashville, North Carolina. Â Proceedings at the 3rd National Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 2007
Journal Article
- Developing an Impact Model in Construction Companies During Pandemics. Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management. Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 159-169. 2023
- Using Immersive Video Technology for Construction Management Content Delivery: A Pilot Study, . Journal of Information Technology in Construction . Issue 26:886-901, DOI: 10.36680/j.itcon.2021.047.
- Construction Safety Culture and Climate: Satisfying the Necessity for an Industry Framework. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers.. Volume 24 , Issue 4, Pages 1943-5576.0000452. 2019
- Characterizing Electrical Output of Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules by Altering Reflective Materials . Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research. Volume 4, Issue 1. 2016
- Optimization System for Concrete Life Cycle Cost and Related CO2 Emissions . Sustainable Engineering and Science . 2016
- A study of carbon emissions during building construction. Proceedings at the International Conference on Engineering and 91×ÔÅÄ . 2015
- A study on the sustainable building technologies to performance of greenhouse gas emission reduction. SCOPUS Journal . 2015
- Development of a Building Life Cycle Carbon Emissions Assessment Program (BEGAS 2.0) for Korea's Green Building Index Certification System. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2015
- Evaluating the embodied environmental impacts of major building tasks and materials of apartment buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews . 2015
- Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Green Building Certification in South Korea. SCOPUS Journal. 2015
- Methods to improve BIM based estimations of major building material quantities in life cycle assessment. SCOPUS Journal . 2015
- Modular building for urban disaster housing: Case study of urban post-disaster housing prototype in New York. . Fire Science Engineering . Volume 28, Issue 6, Pages 82-89. 2014
- University Education Dilemma: Challenge of Incorporating Alternate Views of Scholarship and Teaching. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 2014
- Modeling Energy Generation by Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems in the United States. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research. 2013
- Bound by Tradition? Peer review and new scholarship: An institutional case study. Research in Higher Ed Journal . 2012
- Measuring Educational Program Effectiveness Using the Associate Constructor's Exam. Journal of Industrial Technology. Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 1-6. 2012
- Recognition and Reward: SOTL and the Tenure Process at a Regional Comprehensive University . Mountain Rise Journal . Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 1-27. 2009
Published Abstract
- Municipal wastewater systems management and maintenance. Proceedings of the 2023 Mississippi Water Resources Conference. 2023
- Off the grid, single family residential, self-contained water system. Proceedings of the 2023 Mississippi Water Resources Conference. 2023
- Teamwork and Collaboration in Construction Management and Engineering Education. CHEP. 2023
- "Is Summer Semester Effective Enough in Studio-based Construction Programs?." 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, Tampa, FL . 2019
- "Thirty-Hour Safety Course for Construction Technology Academic Programs, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition." 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, Tampa, FL . 2019
- "Comparison of Industry and Students’ Perceptions in a Studio-based Construction Program." 55th Annual International Conference of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC), ASC, Denver, CO . 2019
- "Perceptions of Construction Students and Professionals of a Studio-based Teaching Model." 11th Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 2019