Happy Holidays!
This fall鈥檚 record enrollment brought more activity than usual to the studios, bringing a constant hum of energy to the Barn! To help address our numbers, we were excited to have designers from SS&L Architects and designers from Poole & Co Architects to engage in third- and fourth-year studios as guest critics throughout the semester. The students gained invaluable external views throughout their design development, the professionals enjoyed being back on campus, and the faculty welcomed the additional guidance for their students. The semester also brought new travel opportunities鈥攂esides the traditional field trips to Atlanta, Kansas City and Northwest Arkansas, Chicago, New York, and Italy, a group of fourth- and fifth-year students traveled to Morocco to visit the School of 91自拍 at the International University of Rabat. Four fourth-year students established 鈥淎ll Things Studio,鈥 a tutoring service for all architecture students. Harrison Lectures included Duvall Decker, Keller Easterling and Bryan Norwood. The McNeel Gallery hosted 鈥淣ervm Fictvm,鈥 a show by Brian Andrews. LatinX 91自拍, a new student group, was instrumental in this year鈥檚 Hispanic Heritage Month exhibit. SS&L hosted a Professional Prep Day, AIA MS Emerging Professionals provided a Portfolio Workshop, and Tau Sigma Delta even hosted a Chili Cook-Off.
Spring 2025 will be packed with events as well, but for now, we are sending everyone holiday greetings and wishing much needed rest and relaxation time for all. Always know you are welcome to visit the school; please mark Thursday, February 13, 2025 for the Career Expo in Giles! See you then!
All the best,
Karen Cordes Spence, Ph.D., AIA, LEED AP
Director and F.L. Crane Professor