Why did I choose CAAD as MSU:
CAAD at MSU allows me to integrate my passions of art, design, math, science, and history into my studio projects and research. It has been one of my biggest stepping stones into a professional career, and for that, I'm forever grateful.
Favorite spot on campus:
The Horse Unit on MSU's South Farm is my favorite location on campus. It is home to the MSU Equestrian Team, which I have the privilege of being the captain of. The Horse Unit is where we practice for competitions and where I can get a much-needed respite from the rigor associated with CAAD.
If you could go back and tell your high school self one thing, what would it be:
I would tell high school me to do two things. One, slow down and enjoy every moment. Two, be bold and not afraid to make a move that will propel you farther into attaining your dreams.
These are a few of my favorite things:
A few of my favorite things are riding and competing with the equestrian team, going out to dinner with my friends, walking the beautiful beaches back home in Michigan, hiking, working out and lifting with friends, and coming home every night to my cat, Kona.